
Get Current Validators

We can stake SOL and earn rewards for helping secure the network. To stake, we delegate SOL to validators who in turn process transactions.

import { clusterApiUrl, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";

(async () => {
  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");

  // Get all validators, categorized by current (i.e. active) and deliquent (i.e. inactive)
  const { current, delinquent } = await connection.getVoteAccounts();
  console.log("current validators: ", current);
  console.log("all validators: ", current.concat(delinquent));
solana validators

Create Stake Account

All staking instructions are handled by the Stake Programopen in new window. To begin, we create a Stake Accountopen in new window which is created and managed differently than a standard system account. In particular, we must set the account's Stake Authority and Withdrawal Authority.

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import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";

(async () => {
  // Setup our connection and wallet
  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
  const wallet = Keypair.generate();

  // Fund our wallet with 1 SOL
  const airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
  await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);

  // Create a keypair for our stake account
  const stakeAccount = Keypair.generate();

  // Calculate how much we want to stake
  const minimumRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
  const amountUserWantsToStake = LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 2; // This is can be user input. For now, we'll hardcode to 0.5 SOL
  const amountToStake = minimumRent + amountUserWantsToStake;

  // Setup a transaction to create our stake account
  // Note: `StakeProgram.createAccount` returns a `Transaction` preconfigured with the necessary `TransactionInstruction`s
  const createStakeAccountTx = StakeProgram.createAccount({
    authorized: new Authorized(wallet.publicKey, wallet.publicKey), // Here we set two authorities: Stake Authority and Withdrawal Authority. Both are set to our wallet.
    fromPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    lamports: amountToStake,
    lockup: new Lockup(0, 0, wallet.publicKey), // Optional. We'll set this to 0 for demonstration purposes.
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,

  const createStakeAccountTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
      stakeAccount, // Since we're creating a new stake account, we have that account sign as well
  console.log(`Stake account created. Tx Id: ${createStakeAccountTxId}`);

  // Check our newly created stake account balance. This should be 0.5 SOL.
  let stakeBalance = await connection.getBalance(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account balance: ${stakeBalance / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL} SOL`);

  // Verify the status of our stake account. This will start as inactive and will take some time to activate.
  let stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

Delegate Stake

Once a stake account is funded, the Stake Authority can delegate it to a validator. Each stake account can only be delegated to one validator at a time. In addition, all tokens in the account must be either delegated or un-delegated. Once delegated, it takes several epochs for a stake account to become active.

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import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";

(async () => {
  // Setup our connection and wallet
  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
  const wallet = Keypair.generate();

  // Fund our wallet with 1 SOL
  const airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
  await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);

  // Create a keypair for our stake account
  const stakeAccount = Keypair.generate();

  // Calculate how much we want to stake
  const minimumRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
  const amountUserWantsToStake = LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 2; // This is can be user input. For now, we'll hardcode to 0.5 SOL
  const amountToStake = minimumRent + amountUserWantsToStake;

  // Setup a transaction to create our stake account
  // Note: `StakeProgram.createAccount` returns a `Transaction` preconfigured with the necessary `TransactionInstruction`s
  const createStakeAccountTx = StakeProgram.createAccount({
    authorized: new Authorized(wallet.publicKey, wallet.publicKey), // Here we set two authorities: Stake Authority and Withdrawal Authority. Both are set to our wallet.
    fromPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    lamports: amountToStake,
    lockup: new Lockup(0, 0, wallet.publicKey), // Optional. We'll set this to 0 for demonstration purposes.
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,

  const createStakeAccountTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
      stakeAccount, // Since we're creating a new stake account, we have that account sign as well
  console.log(`Stake account created. Tx Id: ${createStakeAccountTxId}`);

  // Check our newly created stake account balance. This should be 0.5 SOL.
  let stakeBalance = await connection.getBalance(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account balance: ${stakeBalance / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL} SOL`);

  // Verify the status of our stake account. This will start as inactive and will take some time to activate.
  let stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

  // To delegate our stake, we first have to select a validator. Here we get all validators and select the first active one.
  const validators = await connection.getVoteAccounts();
  const selectedValidator = validators.current[0];
  const selectedValidatorPubkey = new PublicKey(selectedValidator.votePubkey);

  // With a validator selected, we can now setup a transaction that delegates our stake to their vote account.
  const delegateTx = StakeProgram.delegate({
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,
    authorizedPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    votePubkey: selectedValidatorPubkey,

  const delegateTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, delegateTx, [
    `Stake account delegated to ${selectedValidatorPubkey}. Tx Id: ${delegateTxId}`

  // Check in on our stake account. It should now be activating.
  stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

Get Delegator by Validators

Multiple accounts might have staked to a particular validator account. To fetch all the stakers, we will use getProgramAccounts or getParsedProgramAccounts API. Refer guides section for more information. The stake accounts are of 200 bytes in length and the Voter Public Key starts at 124 bytes. Referenceopen in new window

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import { clusterApiUrl, Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";

(async () => {
  const STAKE_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey(
  const VOTE_PUB_KEY = "27MtjMSAQ2BGkXNuJEJkxFyCJT8dugGAaHJ9T7Gc6x4x";

  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta"), "confirmed");
  const accounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts(STAKE_PROGRAM_ID, {
    filters: [
        dataSize: 200, // number of bytes
        memcmp: {
          offset: 124, // number of bytes
          bytes: VOTE_PUB_KEY, // base58 encoded string

  console.log(`Accounts for program ${STAKE_PROGRAM_ID}: `);
    `Total number of delegators found for ${VOTE_PUB_KEY} is: ${accounts.length}`
  if (accounts.length)
    console.log(`Sample delegator:`, JSON.stringify(accounts[0]));

  // Output

    Accounts for program Stake11111111111111111111111111111111111111: 
    Total number of delegators found for 27MtjMSAQ2BGkXNuJEJkxFyCJT8dugGAaHJ9T7Gc6x4x is: 184
    Sample delegator: 
      "account": {
        "data": {
          "parsed": {
            "info": {
              "meta": {
                "authorized": {
                  "staker": "3VDVh3rHTLkNJp6FVYbuFcaihYBFCQX5VSBZk23ckDGV",
                  "withdrawer": "EhYXq3ANp5nAerUpbSgd7VK2RRcxK1zNuSQ755G5Mtxx"
                "lockup": {
                  "custodian": "3XdBZcURF5nKg3oTZAcfQZg8XEc5eKsx6vK8r3BdGGxg",
                  "epoch": 0,
                  "unixTimestamp": 1822867200
                "rentExemptReserve": "2282880"
              "stake": {
                "creditsObserved": 58685367,
                "delegation": {
                  "activationEpoch": "208",
                  "deactivationEpoch": "18446744073709551615",
                  "stake": "433005300621",
                  "voter": "27MtjMSAQ2BGkXNuJEJkxFyCJT8dugGAaHJ9T7Gc6x4x",
                  "warmupCooldownRate": 0.25
            "type": "delegated"
          "program": "stake",
          "space": 200
        "executable": false,
        "lamports": 433012149261,
        "owner": {
          "_bn": "06a1d8179137542a983437bdfe2a7ab2557f535c8a78722b68a49dc000000000"
        "rentEpoch": 264
      "pubkey": {
        "_bn": "0dc8b506f95e52c9ac725e714c7078799dd3268df562161411fe0916a4dc0a43"


Deactivate Stake

At anytime after a stake account is delegated, the Stake Authority can choose to deactivate the account. Deactivation can take several epochs to complete, and is required before any SOL is withdrawn.

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import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";

(async () => {
  // Setup our connection and wallet
  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
  const wallet = Keypair.generate();

  // Fund our wallet with 1 SOL
  const airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
  await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);

  // Create a keypair for our stake account
  const stakeAccount = Keypair.generate();

  // Calculate how much we want to stake
  const minimumRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
  const amountUserWantsToStake = LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 2; // This is can be user input. For now, we'll hardcode to 0.5 SOL
  const amountToStake = minimumRent + amountUserWantsToStake;

  // Setup a transaction to create our stake account
  // Note: `StakeProgram.createAccount` returns a `Transaction` preconfigured with the necessary `TransactionInstruction`s
  const createStakeAccountTx = StakeProgram.createAccount({
    authorized: new Authorized(wallet.publicKey, wallet.publicKey), // Here we set two authorities: Stake Authority and Withdrawal Authority. Both are set to our wallet.
    fromPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    lamports: amountToStake,
    lockup: new Lockup(0, 0, wallet.publicKey), // Optional. We'll set this to 0 for demonstration purposes.
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,

  const createStakeAccountTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
      stakeAccount, // Since we're creating a new stake account, we have that account sign as well
  console.log(`Stake account created. Tx Id: ${createStakeAccountTxId}`);

  // Check our newly created stake account balance. This should be 0.5 SOL.
  let stakeBalance = await connection.getBalance(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account balance: ${stakeBalance / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL} SOL`);

  // Verify the status of our stake account. This will start as inactive and will take some time to activate.
  let stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

  // To delegate our stake, we first have to select a validator. Here we get all validators and select the first active one.
  const validators = await connection.getVoteAccounts();
  const selectedValidator = validators.current[0];
  const selectedValidatorPubkey = new PublicKey(selectedValidator.votePubkey);

  // With a validator selected, we can now setup a transaction that delegates our stake to their vote account.
  const delegateTx = StakeProgram.delegate({
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,
    authorizedPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    votePubkey: selectedValidatorPubkey,

  const delegateTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, delegateTx, [
    `Stake account delegated to ${selectedValidatorPubkey}. Tx Id: ${delegateTxId}`

  // Check in on our stake account. It should now be activating.
  stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

  // At anytime we can choose to deactivate our stake. Our stake account must be inactive before we can withdraw funds.
  const deactivateTx = StakeProgram.deactivate({
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,
    authorizedPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
  const deactivateTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
  console.log(`Stake account deactivated. Tx Id: ${deactivateTxId}`);

  // Check in on our stake account. It should now be inactive.
  stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

Withdraw Stake

Once deactivated, the Withdrawal Authority can withdraw SOL back to a system account. Once a stake account is no longer delegated and has a balance of 0 SOL, it is effectively destroyed.

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import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";

(async () => {
  // Setup our connection and wallet
  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
  const wallet = Keypair.generate();

  // Fund our wallet with 1 SOL
  const airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
  await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);

  // Create a keypair for our stake account
  const stakeAccount = Keypair.generate();

  // Calculate how much we want to stake
  const minimumRent = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
  const amountUserWantsToStake = LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 2; // This is can be user input. For now, we'll hardcode to 0.5 SOL
  const amountToStake = minimumRent + amountUserWantsToStake;

  // Setup a transaction to create our stake account
  // Note: `StakeProgram.createAccount` returns a `Transaction` preconfigured with the necessary `TransactionInstruction`s
  const createStakeAccountTx = StakeProgram.createAccount({
    authorized: new Authorized(wallet.publicKey, wallet.publicKey), // Here we set two authorities: Stake Authority and Withdrawal Authority. Both are set to our wallet.
    fromPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    lamports: amountToStake,
    lockup: new Lockup(0, 0, wallet.publicKey), // Optional. We'll set this to 0 for demonstration purposes.
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,

  const createStakeAccountTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
      stakeAccount, // Since we're creating a new stake account, we have that account sign as well
  console.log(`Stake account created. Tx Id: ${createStakeAccountTxId}`);

  // Check our newly created stake account balance. This should be 0.5 SOL.
  let stakeBalance = await connection.getBalance(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account balance: ${stakeBalance / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL} SOL`);

  // Verify the status of our stake account. This will start as inactive and will take some time to activate.
  let stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

  // To delegate our stake, we first have to select a validator. Here we get all validators and select the first active one.
  const validators = await connection.getVoteAccounts();
  const selectedValidator = validators.current[0];
  const selectedValidatorPubkey = new PublicKey(selectedValidator.votePubkey);

  // With a validator selected, we can now setup a transaction that delegates our stake to their vote account.
  const delegateTx = StakeProgram.delegate({
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,
    authorizedPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    votePubkey: selectedValidatorPubkey,

  const delegateTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, delegateTx, [
    `Stake account delegated to ${selectedValidatorPubkey}. Tx Id: ${delegateTxId}`

  // Check in on our stake account. It should now be activating.
  stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

  // At anytime we can choose to deactivate our stake. Our stake account must be inactive before we can withdraw funds.
  const deactivateTx = StakeProgram.deactivate({
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,
    authorizedPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
  const deactivateTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
  console.log(`Stake account deactivated. Tx Id: ${deactivateTxId}`);

  // Check in on our stake account. It should now be inactive.
  stakeStatus = await connection.getStakeActivation(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account status: ${stakeStatus.state}`);

  // Once deactivated, we can withdraw our SOL back to our main wallet
  const withdrawTx = StakeProgram.withdraw({
    stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,
    authorizedPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    toPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
    lamports: stakeBalance, // Withdraw the full balance at the time of the transaction

  const withdrawTxId = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, withdrawTx, [
  console.log(`Stake account withdrawn. Tx Id: ${withdrawTxId}`);

  // Confirm that our stake account balance is now 0
  stakeBalance = await connection.getBalance(stakeAccount.publicKey);
  console.log(`Stake account balance: ${stakeBalance / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL} SOL`);
Last Updated:
Contributors: Jacob Creech